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  1. P

    Prom help needed !!--

    Go on pinterest and type in Prom themes - they have cool ideas
  2. P

    Gluten-Free ideas

    thanks everyone :) Now that are saying that corn,rice are gluten foods too :/
  3. P

    Kindle vrs. Nook

    Nook has the mini SD card slot to add more memory, so my DD21 loves it and its nice to put in her bag. I like that you can add more memory with the Nook and the Kindle you can't.
  4. P

    Gluten-Free ideas

    Thanks for the feedback.. She just found DONUTS at Whole Foods that are Gluten-Free :) My 4 kids are so picky with what they eat, I don't cook for everyone since they don't agree with what's for dinner. If I can fed 3 out of 6 then I'm happy,happy,happy! They're old enough to cook for themselves...
  5. P

    Gluten-Free ideas

    My 17yr old DD is now Gluten sensitive! HELP what are some EASY recipes. She is always nauses,so she really has only been eatting potatoes. Thanks
  6. P

    What do YOU want for Christmas?

    I would wish for my DD17 to not have to be in pain everyday from her Endometriosis :( just to be able to be 17 and have fun .. Also for my other 3 kids to understand that I love them all the same. Oh and more time with DH !
  7. P

    x box live

    fund this on SD $39.99
  8. P

    Poll=Bullying (Not the fancy kind like some of you know how to post)

    I would tell that teacher that if your son comes home hurt, that she is the first one your coming for, so she better take care of it.
  9. P


    Here is a site but they only accept Visa :/
  10. P

    Need Help With 13 yo Boy Gift

    Does he play video games? My son plays - Black ops 2,assins creed,halo4. Paint ball guns
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    So ticked at the school

    I will call on Monday just so that they have it documented that I called about the problem.
  12. P

    So ticked at the school

    I don't think calling a student out infront of other students and calling her Lazy -Motivating! There were at least 4 other girls that came in at the same time but my DD was the example. My DD wants to wait and see if he says it again on Thursday.
  13. P

    So ticked at the school

    This is from their web page- 50% = Daily Grade -Students are expected to participate to the best of their abilities dressed in the Oak Prairie Physical Education Uniform. Students in my class are only docked participation points if they forget their uniform, show poor effort...
  14. P

    So ticked at the school

    I have brought this up to them before about how it's not right that they are graded on their run times and what group they are in and was told that's not how it is. Then I went on their website and it says it in their description on how endurance is graded..
  15. P

    So ticked at the school

    Thanks for all your comments. My DD doesn't want this teacher to single her out because her Mom called.I told her if he says anything like that to call him out in front of everyone how he is bully . I always tell my kids that if anyone gives them crap, they give it right back , but she doesn't...
  16. P

    So ticked at the school

    My DD is in 8th grade and their Gym class grades how FAST the kids can run in endurance. They are put in to 3 groups- Group A,Group B,Group C and that is your grade. My DD runs in the B group and the teacher yesterday was saying in front of the other kids " you ran A group last year and now your...
  17. P

    How old were your kiddos when they stopped playing with Play Doh?

    I love PD , my youngest is 13 and we still make PD once in awhile. We make it with kool-aid andd it smell good. Have you tried making it with your kids?
  18. P

    my cell phone broke HELP!

    If it's not from ATT then it has to be an unlocked phone that takes the same sims card. You can buy a to go ATT phone and put your sims in that. That's what i did when my phone broke fromm ATT.
  19. P

    Living Social Deal: Kalahari Resort Water Park

    We always stay there. My kids like it there (13,14,17,21)my kids ages. Nice place.
  20. P

    Looking for Reviews on new Gas Range

    We just bought Kitchen Aid double oven (gas) we love it .