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  1. D

    Directly from American President's mouth

    I'll drink to that!!
  2. D

    do you really need to ask a question??

    Nothing...It's the cat! The dog only LOOKS guilty!
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    Directly from American President's mouth

    Brainfreeze...LOVE your avatar and the quote on the bottom...I only mention the immigrant issue to highlight the stupidity of the whole situation. The lack of planning, over confidence in under trained troops, money grubbing, and the simple act of trying to push "our" beliefs (both political and...
  4. D

    Directly from American President's mouth

    I guess that depends on your definition of "success". If "success" means confuse the existing governing bodies, sieze control of all critical infrastructure (yes this would include all aspects of oil industry), control propaganda, and alienate your country from most of the rest of the...
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    do you really need to ask a question??

    Why do you keep asking yourself questions, not answering them, and move on to the next question? Probably too much caffine!
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    What Activities Did You Do When You Were A Young

    I went fishing, caught fish, ate fish, and........oh yes...WENT FISHING!!
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    Winner.....Last post

    I have survived the ultra-prope! I am now "UBER-WINNER"!! None shall conquer!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!.......
  8. D

    NOTHING makes me angrier...

    In Fairbanks, Alaska, a guy stole a purse from a lady coming out of the (large box store) and a 73 year old guy riding a bike, dove on the guy, took him to the ground, wrestled and pummled him until help arrived, and got the lady's purse back. Just a thought... Where was this lady's...
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    A Question of Etiquette

    as Jerry would say, "HEY LADY!" If a woman is not married and is quite young, "Miss" would be appropriate (looking for brownie points?) However, if she is of drinking age...I'd go with "Ms."
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    Night Cap Anyone?

    Drambuie...served warm in a brandy snifter...good night...
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    When it's all said and boils down to this, "If you are against abortion...don't have one" I agree that it is COMPLETELY up to the person (woman) who is pregnant. IT SHOULD NEVER!!! BE USED AS A FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL!!! Conception should be a forethought not an after-thought.
  12. D

    Who likes pancakes or waffles?

    I like pancakes. A little pb and j, roll it for lunches. Also, try making them for children by pouring it in the pan in the shape of the first letter of their name, or make a mickey mouse by adding a small "ear" on each side at the top. Pancakes are fun!! Try using apple sauce in...
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    Real Estate prices

    I just picked up 17.5 acres for 11,400. Of course it is a mile from the hwy and there is no power, water or phone, and you have to walk in or ride a 4 wheeler...beautiful views, creek, nice area. Interior of Alaska.
  14. D

    what did you learn today?

    That's because it is supposed to be used as medicine, not as a soft drink.
  15. D

    People can be so rude

    Makes you wonder if they teach their kids to be that disrespectful to people as well. Yes...I said disrespectful!! Respect for others (and their property) and common courtesy, seem to be very lacking in the world today. This is very obvious in areas that deal with a lot of tourists.
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    Winner.....Last post

    What's vacation?! Lobo is busy telling everybody what the contents of his ipod include.
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    quick biscuits

    I like to take pilsbury bisquets, cut them in half, and fry them in bacon grease. This is esspecially good when you are camping. Add some eggs and potatoes (all fried in bacon grease of course) and you have a breakfast that will keep you going for half the day.
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    What are you listening to right now?

    What music is playing now? Puff The Magic Dragon. Anybody remember that?
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    When you were little...

    I always went to the local pond to go fishing.
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    thai chicken pizza

    I think that they expect the cooks to be somewhat experienced with a knife (I.E. professional cooks)