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The Confabulation Thread

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I love three-way!

Erm...conversations I mean.
Smarty pants! :p

Okay, we've established that Dani should eat food. Now, what kind of food should Dani eat? She wants a snack and is trying to choose between cheese dip and chips or honey buns!

Take your pick! :)
What are honey buns? :p Buns with honey in? x3

I dislike honey, and I don't like cheese dip. Oh dear lmao
I want food too. :(

I got a call from the parents saying there was money to go buy some. But I don't wanna go out. >_>
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I went to get takeout. Fourth day in a row. Going to have to do some hardcore gym sessions >_>
Noms! What kind of takeout?

My mom and I just got into it again. According to her, I'm a lazy little **** who won't clean her room or go to school. I work a full time job and I clean more than she does. Maybe she should go take a look at her bedroom and bathroom and get back to me. Then we'll talk. By the way, she doesn't have a job. She just sits around all day and does the occasional cleaning. She does cook, but only sometimes.
Monday was a 14" cheese & tomato pizza, Tuesday was the same. Yesterday was cheesy chips, today was cheesy chips & jumbo sausage. DELICIOUS FAT.

Edit: Though I should point out I only eat one meal a day
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