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  1. S


    It's not called vampirism now, but believe it or not there are people here in this country and around the world who actually drink human blood on a regular basis. A few years ago I saw an article (and photograph) in the local newspaper here about a woman in her mid 30's who lived somewhere in...
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    Free alien abductions are now available at reduced prices...act now and save! Maybe I can help clear a few things up for you this morning, friend. Occasionally aliens do abduct people against their will, but only in very rare cases. Nowadays it's mostly done on a first come first serve...
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    Possible Signs of Alien Abduction

    Why I came to planet earth and why I am still here The first time I came here was on an alien abduction mission, one in which female human earthlings were to be pre-selected and abducted instead of the usual Holstein dairy cow abductions, which had been our main abductees of choice before we...
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    what did you learn today?

    Things I learned this week..... (1) Cleaning out the refrigerator can be hazardous to your health. (2) My dog tends to poop in a mostly westerly area of my backyard. (3) Some people in this neighborhood really get upset when my dog poops anywhere in THEIR yard. (4) Uppity neighborhood...
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    Hello, Sister Ripley. I am a changed man...I mean alien. I will no longer be able to p---- you or any of the other attractive earth females here at Alien Soup. The handwriting is on the wall so to speak. Might I suggest a more wholesome activity to engage in which is more morally acceptable and...
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    A testing look is just that... a look to see what you might be able to get away with or not get away with in a when I tell my dog to "go to bed!" he drops his ears and walks down the hall towards his bed, but halfway there he usually turns his head and looks over his shoulder as...
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    By the power invested in me directly from AWH (Alien World Headquarters) I would now like to announce that I have been chosen as the new Millennium's New World Order Prophet and Soothsayer, Medium, Channeller, Wizard, etc....just call me The All-Knowing Royal Alien Brother Prophet Schizander, or...
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    Sinkhole opens beside couple's house in WV

    Take a look at this website put up by the WV cave has a lot of info on Karst and sinkhole management.
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    Sinkhole opens beside couple's house in WV

    Up the road from here in a rural Oklahoma county there's a place where there are dozens of sinkholes left behind from when they mined zinc and cadium and lead several years ago. The mining companies just moved off and left the sinkholes and huge piles of contaminated processed ore. Nobody did...
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    I hate my head hair, I just realized that

    I suggest that you try to use something which will give it some type of for example you might want to try soaking your head in translucent liquid latex solution for about 10 minutes and then allowing it to dry or use a blow dryer. That way it will be all rubbery and springy to the...
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    Sinkhole opens beside couple's house in WV

    This is great! Why can't something like this happen to me? This is a wonderful once in a lifetime golden opportunity to start a small tourist business right there in West Virginia....borrow some money or get some investors to put up the money and open the Duewel-Zahniser Cavern.....excavate this...
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    Possible Signs of Alien Abduction

    Most aliens, including myself, are a deep aesthetically pleasing shade of very attractive emerald green instead of the somewhat drab uninteresting grey which you mentioned earlier, and we almost never wear black, but most of the malodorous evil humans who work for special anti-alien/E.T. ops in...
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    Learning Ambitions

    The first thing I think I would like to learn to do is web pages, and once I learned how to do that, I think I might put up a website which featured some of my artwork and the place where I grew up as a kid. I can buy the Dreamweaver* software for a fairly decent price right now, and I have...
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    Learning Ambitions

    Actually learning to make jewelry and pottery isn't that difficult to learn, but it requires a lot of time, space, and materials (and equipment) especially the jewelry-making part, which is why I stopped doing was kinda expensive too, but the trick is to make jewelry from different...
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    what did you learn today?

    Today I learned that you can buy halloween costumes for dogs which look like cats at the pet store here, but you cannot buy halloween costumes for cats which look like dogs.
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    Gun Control

    I'm just curious here, Shizzle42, but exactly which member of alien soup are you calling a "****?" Is this the way you talk to all the women in your life? I can see why you might need to carry a gun around if that's the case. Oh, and not everyone who is in favor of some type of sensible gun...
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    ninjas true or false

    Ninjas for the most part are a bunch of namby pamby make believe sissies, at least all the ones I've ever encountered on the streets and back alleys of the world. Any reasonably skilled Korean or Japanese martial arts person can take them down with minimum effort. The Ninjas who are the real...
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    Gun Control

    This gun question is a lot more complicated than the old "people kill people not guns" bumper sticker slogan. Guns are a way of life in America. It's part of our history. It's ingrained in the minds and hearts of millions of people around the country, and on top of that, it's a multi-million (or...
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    PSI, have you read what Jung says about synchronicity? One of his patients, a young woman, had a dream in which she was given a golden scarab...and as she was relating this dream to his office...there was a noise at the window and when Jung opened the window, a golden scarab beetle...
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    Favorite Beer

    Meezer...I had something similar a few years back..stomach ulcers, and they gave me a ton of anti-acid stuff like Tagament and Zantac, which did little or nothing until I went to a gastroenterologist in Connecticut and he told me I had the pylori bacterium in my stomach, so he put me on...