Search results

  1. freyguy50

    Broken TV Remote - Need help/advice

    Ebay has almost every remote known to man. When the Pitbull that we rescued ate TWO Comcast remotes, I got one cheap off of Ebay.
  2. freyguy50

    quick! we need to blame someone!

    All they have to do is check the nearest White Castle or Taco Bell. I bet the mice are there.
  3. freyguy50

    Has SS tax increase affected you?

    Agreed, the continual election of tax and spend Democrats are killing your paycheck and the State of Illinois. I find it funny and highly disturbing that a Governor can be elected by only carrying 2-3 counties in the state.
  4. freyguy50

    College Text Books

    <--------- has not paid for textbooks in over a decade just sayin'
  5. freyguy50

    If you need to return something after Christmas...

    That is right out of page 5 of The After Christmas Returns Handbook. I sincerely hope you ARE NOT suggesting going against the World's Foremost Authority on this matter!!! I guess we should all conduct ourselves in a meaningful, and respectful manner too? Sounds like Communism to me.
  6. freyguy50

    And the car saga continues...advice for those who have experience needed

    If it was me, I would let it dry out naturally, do not spend any money. If you feel the need to address the situation then I would pull the seats, easy peasy to do. Usually it will be about 4-5 bolts (and a connector if they are electric). Rent a rug doctor and steam vac the heck out of it...
  7. freyguy50

    Baking with Silicone Bakeware

    Silicone = toxins in the food. If you care about your health I would stay clear of it.
  8. freyguy50

    Abandoned property ??

    I am interested. PM me an inventory of what is there. I HAVE CASH!!!
  9. freyguy50

    help me with suggestions for "marketing" at my work PLEASE

    Focus groups are paid. Everyone is paid, not some lucky contributor.
  10. freyguy50

    help me with suggestions for "marketing" at my work PLEASE

    I read it. The reason ANY BUSINESS gets involved with charity or outreach is to develop strong ties with customers leading to loyalty. Loyalty = profits. No one in business does anything charitable without it benefiting them directly. Be it either positive publicity or tax write-offs, businesses...
  11. freyguy50

    help me with suggestions for "marketing" at my work PLEASE

    Please tell me what other way I can look at it. Clearly you want more sales/profits during slow times and you don't have an answer. So you are looking for ideas. So tell me, if you came up with an idea that makes the three stores 25% more in profit over a year, would you expect to be...
  12. freyguy50

    help me with suggestions for "marketing" at my work PLEASE

    Way to ask for ideas so that someone else can do YOUR job.
  13. freyguy50

    The beginning of a new relationship

    Tread cautious about anyone who goes all in too early. If those feelings are real, the feelings will still be there in time. I would tell you how to handle this but then I would be giving up every man's upper hand in a relationship. That could be too much power for one person.
  14. freyguy50

    Where does the money come from?

    I don't understand the purchase of a new car. Why on earth would you consciously buy something that will lose a quarter of its value the instant you take ownership of it? Would you do that with a house? Not unless you are a financial idiot. I can only see someone buying a new car if they plan to...
  15. freyguy50

    Key Lime Cove, I really cannot afford this...

    I put in a lot of effort to give off that vibe. It is refreshing to see someone pick up on that so easily.
  16. freyguy50

    Where does the money come from?

    These are the people that threw the country into the economic mess of a few years ago. This "I deserve it" mentality is the root of economic collapse. I have friends that are just like this buy buy! Of course, it gets them in the end, it always does. I am not flashy, but I have never had...
  17. freyguy50

    Key Lime Cove, I really cannot afford this...

    AKA..."I don't wanna pay full price, but you should so I don't have to pay." If you couldn't afford it, you shouldn't have bought it in the first place. Maybe the reason you can't afford it is because you impulse buy too much. How about thinking about it before you pull the trigger. Vacations...
  18. freyguy50

    How can a town NOT miss $30 million?

    What doesn't make sense is this: "Many residents of this small Illinois city knew municipal-finance chief Rita A. Crundwell was in the business of raising horses. They didn't suspect they might have been paying for it. Now the inhabitants of the town best-known as Ronald Reagan's...
  19. freyguy50

    ISO Science Fair Project ideas......PLEASE!

    Colligative properties of solutions...I certainly hope she is not in high school as this is not project worthy for a high school student.
  20. freyguy50


    Finally a show I can watch to get me through the dog days of spring until Burn Notice, Covert Affairs, Suits, and Leverage come back on. Reality TV really needs a go bye bye.